Alaina Taylor (Writer), Faith Hopkins (F), Lily Sportsman (L), and Arden Jones (A)

F: Points out that how there was a lot of disability that occurred on plantations that were never recorded, or if they were they were recorded by white men, so they could have altered it, making it less severe than it possibly could have, made or it more intellectual disability 

L: Accounts were definitely whitewashed, a lot of the disabilities could have been caused by someone who was white, physical, and mental. PTSD. It is easy to make the assumptions that the accounts were whitewashed

A: During that time slaves were not taught to read or write, so they could have been taken advantage of. 

L: Slaveowners might have been ashamed of their slaves’ disability

Lanie: Wilson in the reading was maimed by the slave owners to where he lost strength in his arm.

L: They could have overlooked disability because the slaves would be seen as less valuable 

A: Disability among slaves was considered normal because they were already considered lesser than, so already disabled

F: Sambose: what does it mean. Trauma shock and created the sambos effect. Causes mental trauma 

Dr. F: 

A: Makes a connection to what occurred during the holocaust 

F: Sambose was a justification for slavery, that slaves needed ‘guidance from white slave owners, because of the belief of degraded mentality 

A: Slaveowners needed to have a way to be self-justifying.  

A: Makes a connection to of Mice and Men with lenny being threatened over the wife 

F: Makes a connection to To kill a mockingbird and to Tom Robinson and the racial divide between people of color and white folks. 

A: They were frustrated with the trial result, the results made them angry because the racist jury went against Robinson even though Atticus had a good argument that should have won. 

F: Didn’t think about why they were guilty at first, not under later when she is rereading it does she get that the jury was racist. 

Round 2

F: Points out the passage, ” Some people are born gifted…” she likes it because not everyone is created equal, we are all different. Some of us need more support while some do not need any. It makes a lot of sense that all men are created equal in the courtroom, but nowhere else

A: We all wish we lived in a world where we are all treated nicely. Agrees with Faith on how honest the reality of things and that it is not sugar-coated. 

F: This goes to show what Atticus is trying to accomplish. Tom is not treated as equally as others, both because of race and because of his physical disability. 

Lanie: Points out the fact that the kids were sitting up in the colored section, breaking boundaries, 

F: Agrees

A: Didn’t like the fact people gave up the fact that people gave up their seats. Racism is taught. Talks about how Jem wanted Atticus to win. They wanted to have a good ending. 

F: Likes how the book shows the hard truth about racism. It is a good idea to read the book to show how racism is and was. That racism exists and should be talked about 

A: Struck a chord because their mom is someone who works in the court that protects people of color or disability, It hit a personal chord. 

Lanie: He just wanted to help the girl he was accused of raping. 

A: Makes a connection to Lennie and curlys wife. How she used her status to threaten those around her. 

F: Does this happen now?

A and Lanie: Yep

A: Atticus’s speech brings light to how the world is still racist and bad things occur. 

F: In the courtroom, these things need to be pushed aside and people need to be treated equally 

A: Yes, don’t use differences to advantage

F: Points out how bias the jury was 

Dr. F: Voter suppression was not a thing then, and it was not a surprise that there was no one of color on the jury

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