Group Members: Katherine Blair, Keona May, Emily Kile, Madison Simpson, Taylor Boris
E: The article was hypocritical. It argued that disabled people had rich lives beyond their disability, and then also argued about how the child August’s experience was centered around the able-bodied perspective.
KM: It is hypocritical. The section on page 268, how the “passing as non-disabled” is somehow a compliment and that ties into your identity.
T: I thought that this article was harder to digest compared to her previous topics like feminism and sexuality.
KB: It talked about eugenics and the “inevitable”, but the experience of those who were born with the disability versus the experience of those who were not.
KM: The section mentioned before is about the privilege of those who decides who is “worthy” or “how disabled you are”.
KB: Absolutely, other disabilities are a normal thing and just because you don’t see as often doesn’t make it less important.
M: I wondered if anyone had written about this article, and I was curious if there was an exploration of the using of disability, specifically the narrative resource is the stereotyping of disability.
E: I do agree that disability is a resource, but not just in economic settings but in the social and interpersonal setting. Various identities can be a resource but that’s a capitalist idea that everything has a purpose.
KM: I agree, how many identities we occupy is important to take into account too. Always have to consider multiple identities; it’s almost inevitable.
T: I liked the idea of that comment about capitalism in relation to identities. Society has a need to put a label on everything and I think that relates to what everyone else brought up.